Pope Francis: All priests will be able to absolve from the sin of abortion
The pope takes the world by surprise once again with his document "Misericordia et Misera,” (Mercy and Misery) which was presented on Monday by the organizers of the Jubilee.
With this document, Pope Francis wants to emphasize that even though the Holy Door is closed, God's mercy is always open to all.
Jubilee of Mercy organizer
"In this document, the pope lights the way for the future of the Church, so it can be an instrument of mercy for all, excluding no one.”
Pope Francis announced that he will give a permanent status to some of the provisions he instituted for the Jubilee. One of those provisions was that all priests could absolve the sin of abortion for the duration of the Holy Year. The pope has now decided to extend this decree indefinitely.
Jubilee of Mercy organizer
"Bishops could delegate the faculty of absolving this sin to certain priests. This document allows all priests to do that, with no need for a bishop's permission.”
The organizers of the Jubilee announced the final numbers for the Holy Year. They estimate that around 700 million pilgrims have crossed the Holy Doors around the word. In Rome it was 21 million pilgrims, 22 in Guadalupe, and 5 million in Krakow, where the devotion to Divine Mercy was born.
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