At a time during their sojourn, the people of Israel complained of God’s absence in their ordeals. (Exodus 16:1-4; Numbers 14:2). Certainly, we sometimes feel such abandonment or per se the absence of God in our lives or society. This may be due to some human conditions which proves difficult to contain like the new Coronavirus - (Covid-19); poverty; lack of some basic amenities; natural disasters and so on.
But does God really abandon His people? Or can God be absent in our lives?
Not at all! God cannot not be Himself. He is Emmanuel - God with us! He is always with us in all things and in all circumstances (Psalm 46:1-3; Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 34:17; Isaiah 43:1-3; Psalm 27: 1-3; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Psalm 27:10; Matthew 28:20).
However, we are the ones that could / have abandoned God.
There are actions that cause ripples of great consequences... what today you suffer may be the consequence of yours or another’s action. Sickness, poverty etc.
Today, we are experiencing a global epidemic - the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Of course this virus did not fall from the sky, someone, somewhere made it happen. Either voluntarily or unconsciously. Together we can fight it but the scars may not be taken away easily. The only solution to our human suffering is to go back to root - to go back to our creator - the One through whom we live; we move and we have our being! He has the key and in Him is the joy of living found.
Let us go, therefore, back to the root!
Let us seek only God through Christ!
Let us amend our ways and focus, not on our wellness alone but, on the betterment of our society!
‘In God is our soul at rest’ - St. Augustine
Fr. James Anyaegbu
Fr. James Anyaegbu
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